Monday, January 27, 2020

The Causes Of Over Sleeping English Language Essay

The Causes Of Over Sleeping English Language Essay What causes over sleeping you ask? Over sleeping is caused by many different factors. Things such as not getting enough sleep and not setting your alarm clock to wake you up can contribute to you not waking up from your sleep when it is time to. Many people contribute this to factors that may be deemed medical related and may actually not be medical related illnesses. While many people suffer from sleep deprivation or sleep loss, occasionally there are those who suffer from getting too much rest. Normally this would not be a problem but you have to think about this issue from the perspective of how it affects your career or your home life. Lets take for instance if you are a working person and you have a career or just a job where your employer depends on you being to work on time. A pattern of being late may get you reprimanded or even worse fired. A case of oversleeping on added to an already pattern of tardiness and or lateness for other reasons can be disastrous. Or take for exam ple you drop off your kid at your parents house and they have somewhere important to be and you dont wake up on time. This will cause a real problem for you with your parents. So this can be a problem beyond just getting way too much rest. Having a good alarm clock is essential to keeping yourself from over sleeping. You need on that is loud or audible enough to wake you up on those mornings where you just dont feel like getting out of the bed. You will need to develop a pattern of checking and double checking your alarm to make sure it is properly set to wake you up in the mornings. There is another issue with alarm clocks with making sure they are set properly and that is to ensure you have a backup battery in your alarm clock. A back up battery will give you about an hour of time to get the power back on in case of a power failure to keep your settings saved in the alarm clock. This is something that will happen from time to time that you will have no control over so in order to avoid the problem just make sure that a battery is present in the clock and that it is fully functional. Problems Linked to Oversleeping Diabetes. In a study of almost 9,000 Americans, researchers found a relationship between sleep and the risk of diabetes. People who slept more than nine hours each night had a 50% greater risk of diabetes than people who slept seven hours per night. This increased risk was also seen in people who slept less than five hours per night. The researchers did not draw conclusions about the physiological link between long sleep and diabetes. But they did suggest that oversleeping could be indicative of underlying medical problems that increase the likelihood of diabetes. Obesity. Sleeping too much could make you weigh too much, as well. One recent study showed that people who slept for nine or 10 hours every night were 21% more likely to become obese over a six-year period than were people who slept between seven and eight hours. This association between sleep and obesity remained the same even when food intake and exercise were taken into account. Headaches. For some people prone to headaches, sleeping longer than usual on a weekend or vacation can cause head pain. Researchers believe this is due to the effect oversleeping has on certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin. People who sleep too much during the day and disrupt their nighttime sleep may also find themselves suffering from headaches in the morning. Back pain. There was a time when doctors told people suffering from back pain to head straight to bed. But those days are long gone. You do need to curtail your regular exercise program when you are experiencing back pain. But doctors now realize the health benefits of maintaining a certain level of activity. And they recommend against sleeping more than usual, when possible. Depression. Although insomnia is more commonly linked to depression than oversleeping, roughly 15% of people with depression sleep too much. This may in turn make their depression worse. Thats because regular sleep habits are important to the recovery process. Need another reason not to overdo the ZZZs when youre blue? In certain instances, sleep deprivation can be an effective treatment for depression. Heart disease. The Nurses Health Study involved nearly 72,000 women. A careful analysis of the data from that study showed that women who slept nine to 11 hours per night were 38% more likely to have coronary heart disease than women who slept eight hours. Researchers have not yet identified a reason for the connection between oversleeping and heart disease. Death. Multiple studies have found that people who sleep nine or more hours a night have significantly higher death rates than people sleeping seven to eight hours a night. No specific reason for this correlation has been determined. But researchers found that depression and low socioeconomic status are also associated with longer sleep. They speculate these factors could be related to the observed increase in mortality for people who sleep too much Heres How to Stop Oversleeping: Step 1: Decide to Wake Upà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Theres no easier way to say it Oversleeping is an escape  mechanism. If you want to stop oversleeping, youd have to figure out why some part of you chooses to stay in bed. Confront it. Then decide to deal with it,  instead  of running away from it by oversleeping. Step 2: Get Motivated to Stop Oversleeping Come up with at least one strong reason WHY you want to stop oversleeping. Be as specific as you can.  It might help to write it down and read it to yourself daily. Change your attitude toward sleep. If you love to sleep, you have to start thinking about sleep as something you must do in order to survive. Nothing more. Stop making excuses like I need more sleep than the average person. You should be convinced that you can sleep less and have more energy than you have now, which is most likely true. Step 3: Commit to a Steady Sleep Schedule Its best if you can go to sleep and wake up at the same times every day. At least do you best to wake up at the same time, no matter how long you had sleptà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Put the clock away from bed, set a wake up call, ask someone to throw you out of bed, whatever you need to do to make sure you wake up on time. Step 4: Improve your sleep There are many simple things you can do to get high quality sleep, which will allow you to get  more energy from less sleep. Step 5: Reduce sleep gradually If you sleep 10 hours every night, dont move to 7 hours all at once. Reduce 30-60 minutes every week or so. Dont beat yourself up when you fail, because it might only make things worse. Just learn from your mistakes and come up with a plan for the next day. Step 6: Raise your physical and mental energy Its good to stop oversleeping. Its better to be a highly energetic person.  Start working on changing your habits, lifestyle and mindset eat well, exercise, think more positively and so onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Communication Differences: Male vs. Female

If you are a woman have you ever wondered why a man did not understand the way you worded something or communicated something to him. Or if you are a man, did you ever wonder why a woman said what she did or did not understand why she didn’t â€Å"get† what you were saying or why she reacted a certain way to your words? The way men and women communicate with each other different because of many reasons.In this presentation, I will try my hardest to communicate to you, both men and women, what these differences are and hopefully fulfill you with a better understanding of why we communicate differently and how to break those barriers for your professional and personal lives. 1. The typical stereotypes. Explain that no way is better, just different. Social Conditioning. (Use personal examples) a. Men are more direct. i. Men tend to be more direct in communicating and look for a solution as quickly as possible b.Women are more emotional and tend to speak in dialogue. ii. Wo men tend to be more emotionally involved with communicating and feel that the whole picture and different solutions are important. 2. The differences in male and female communication in social settings c. How women build and maintain relationships iii. Women tend to focus on making connections 1. Secrets 2. Relating experiences 3. Discussing options 4. Find commonalities d. How men build and maintain relationships iv. Groups of friends tend to be larger . Do activities rather than conversing vi. More competitive 3. The differences of men and women communicating in a business setting/work environment e. How men communicate in business environment vii. Men want facts 5. Men usually ask fewer questions to stimulate conversation in their work relationships and often end conversations more abruptly than women. viii. Men take one task at a time 6. Men tend to like to focus on one task at a time ix. How men keep status at work 7.Tend to be more literal and use language to establish status 8. Tend to ask less questions to not show they don’t know something 9. Tend to not like to give or receive detailed feedback. Find it criticizing. f. How women communicate in a business/ work setting x. Women’s brains are always â€Å"on† 10. There is more neural activity in the female brain at any given time than in the male brain. Enhances multitasking. xi. Women focus on friendship first 11. For example, female salespeople, they tend to build relationships when they sell.They don’t tend to go into a transaction focused on the final outcome but wanting to build rapport and learn more about the client first. xii. Women remember the little details 12. Females can generally remember more physical and relational details than men. Breaking this Barriers 1. Try to Understand the different styles when communicating with the opposite gender and keep them in mind 2. Actively listen- concentrate on the main points and focus on what is being communicated no matter which way these points are being communicated. 3. Interpret non-verbal clues.In conclusion, men and women’s brains are wired differently and the two genders tend to use two different sides of the brain which in turn leads to many differences in men and women. Communication, whether by a male or female, still has a focus, so find an end result sooner or later. Communication differences between males and females are also most likely due to social conditioning that stem from childhood. I truly feel that there is no right or wrong way to communicate, but understanding the way both genders do so is important for effective communication in business as well as in life. Related article: â€Å"Advice About Communication†

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Basic Planning Process

The basic planning process is outlined in our text as consisting of six steps. The first step is Situational Analysis. This step provides a detailed estimation of prerequisites and assumptions or best guess on possible issues that may arise. The second Step is alternative goals and plans is based on the situational analysis and the information that was examined during that process.The third step is the goal and plan evaluation, this it the step where the pros and cons are discussed and weighet against the other alternative goals discussed in step two. The forth and final step in the developmental process is goal and plan selection once all of the different goals have been examined and the pros and cons have been considered a goal is chosen based on the summary of the other three steps. The fifth step is implementation based on the outcome of the forth step.The sixth step is to monitor and control the processes that have been put into place. This is vital most especially right after i mplementation because there are always issues that arise that will need dealt with regardless of how well the planning stages went. I do not believe that any one area is more important than another. There is a symbiotic relationship between these steps because the build on each other and take up where the last one left off. If I have to choose a step as being more crucial than another it would be step three.It is imperative that you trouble shoot your ideas for flaws that exist and work out as many of the kinks as possible be for practical application can begin. Otherwise the headache that is created is usually crippling to the entire process regardless of how good of an idea it was to start with. Bateman, T. S. , & Snell, S. A. (2011). Management: Leading & collaborating (9th ed. ). Management: Leading & collaborating in a competitive world , New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.